Shortbus is a 2006 American comedy-drama film written and directed by John Cameron Mitchell. The plot revolves around a sexually diverse ensemble of emotionally challenged characters trying desperately to connect in bohemian New York City. The characters converge in a weekly Brooklyn artistic/sexual salon loosely inspired by various underground NYC gatherings that took place in the early 2000s. According to Mitchell, the film attempts to "employ sex in new cinematic ways", and it includes a variety of explicit scenes of sexuality.
It was released in North America on October 13, 2006, distributed by THINKFilm, after premiering in May at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival,[1] and it played in over 25 countries, winning multiple awards at the Athens, Zurich, and Gijon film festivals. Howard Gertler and Tim Perell received an Independent Spirit Award as Producers of the Year. The film was released to DVD in North America on March 13, 2007. The DVD features a comprehensive documentary, "Gifted and Challenged: the Making of Shortbus" (Director/producer M. Sean Kaminsky), the vérité-style "How to Shoot Sex: A Docu-Primer", deleted scenes (including a dropped subplot about a character who is the Bush twins' personal assistant), as well as a filmmaker/cast audio commentary.
The film is set in contemporary New York City and revolves around Sofia (Sook-Yin Lee), who is married to the attractive but dimwitted Rob (Raphael Barker). She works as a couples counselor/sex therapist who has, herself, never achieved an orgasm. She comes into contact with a couple: former child star Jamie (PJ DeBoy) and James (Paul Dawson). The soft-spoken James, a former prostitute, is the film's other main character. At the outset, James suggests to his boyfriend that they open up their relationship to sex with others.2-