Nepalese Actress Namrata Shrestha in Leaked
Sex Tape with Married DJ Tantrik
Twenty-three-year-old Nepalese actress and
model Namrata Shrestha is at the center of a huge controversy in her country after her sex tape was leaked to the public. She is seen in the video having sexual relations with a well-known married man. And to make the scandal even better, she is also married but the man she is seen fucking in the 3 videos is not her husband. The most controversial aspect of this scandal, however, might be the fact that Shrestha has shrugged the whole thing off instead of acting ashamed and apologetic. The video co-starred Chris Sutula, a.k.a. “DJ Tantrik,” who happens to be married to the woman who release the video. I bet the wife of DJ Tantrik was really surprised when she found the sex video on his cell phone. Because reports say she was not onle the one who release it to the media but she is demanding a public apology from her husband.
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